
Showing posts from April, 2023

Scuba Diving in Thailand

  Thailand is a beautiful place to snorkel and scuba dive. After seeing my dad having so much fun diving I wanted to try it out.  So off I went with my new mask in hand ready to explore life in the ocean. When we were heading to the dive site  my instructor showed me how to use all of the specialized equipment.  I wore a wetsuit, flippers  had 2 regulators and an air tank.  Once I got all suited up and in the water  my instructor tied a rope to the ocean floor. This would allow me to grab onto something while practicing recovering my regulator, breathing and getting water out of my mask. After practising a few times we slowly went down 11.2m while equalizing our ears every meter. Due to pressure change as you descend into the water, you need to equalize your ears so they don’t hurt The islands that I dove at were the same that I had snorkeled at so I was familiar with the area.  I did two dives that lasted 40 minutes each. For each dive  I reached a depth of  11 metres,  I saw many fis

Snorkeling in Thailand

  Thailand is an amazing place to snorkel and scuba dive. A few days ago my mom and I went snorkeling while my dad went scuba diving. We went to Koh Haa to see coral and sea creatures.  The boat ride was 2 hours from Ko Lanta. On the boat we had breakfast, snacks, lunch and dessert. There were lots of different drinks to choose from. Once we got to Koh Haa  we had to put on our flipres, googles, snorkel and life jacket. Since my dad was scuba diving he had to put on a lot more gear. Kob Haa consists of 5 islands that have very clear water. For the day we went to 3 of the islands to snorkel. Close to the islands, there are a lot of colorful fish and coral. Getting back to the boat after our snorkel was tough sometimes depending on the current.   With a strong ocean current, my mom and I tried to swim back to the boat but we would take 10 strokes forward and get pulled back 5 strokes.   The boat had to come to us because we couldn't swim back. While we were snorkeling we saw many coo

Prince Edward County, Canada VS Ko Lanta, Thailand.

                 Today I will share similarities  and differences that I have learned about Ko Lanta, Thailand and Prince Edward County, Canada. A few things I will talk about are the climate, vegetation and beaches.   Did you know that Ko Lanta is only a 13th of the size of Prince Edward County but it has a population of 27,103 people compared to Prince Edward County with 24,021 people.. In Prince Edward County it snows from mid November to the beginning of April and it’s +25 degrees Celcius from mid June to mid September. Since it's mostly under 10’ c for 8 months of the year that makes the average temperature 8.7’ c. Prince Edward County is much colder because of its relation to the equator compared to Ko Lanta. In Ko Lanta The temperature rarely drops below 25 degrees Celsius. The weather is mostly the same year round with an average of 6 inches of rain each month. Ko Lanta is much warmer than Prince Edward County because it's much closer to the equator.  I prefer the varie